Ronald Mzimkhulu Mrubata

A soft-spoken, gentle soul and a pillar of strength are the words that describe Ronald Mzimkhulu Mrubata.
The funeral service was held at the Galeshewe Social Centre in Kimberely on 28 July 2018. The hall was packed to capacity by friends, family members from the Eastern Cape, colleagues from the Department of Water Affairs and Cooperative Governance Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs (Coghsta), including Senior Managers, acting HOD Maboko, and MEC Bentley Vass.

Ronald was the youngest son to David and Nomayeza Polka Mrubata from Ou Greenpoint Kimberley. He was born on 14 October 1960. He started schooling at Zingisa Primary School, where he taught briefly after matriculating from Tshireletso Secondary School.

He worked at government departments such as Education and Training (Perseverance office) and Water Affairs. He was the Deputy Director at Coghsta at the time of his death.

A true leader who led by example, he obtained his MBA from the Free State University. He encouraged his nephews, nieces, and grandchildren to go to school. He told them that the only inheritance that he can offer was education. Indeed, his appeal did not fall on deaf ears. His niece and nephews promised to follow his teachings and words of encouragement by empowering and caring for each other.   A nephew, Vuyo said, “He was not a man of many words, but his actions spoke volumes”.   He added that even if his uncle disagreed with their decisions, he supported them.

An emotional Nocawe Mrubata, thanked her younger brother for his assistance. She remembered how supportive he was towards her children to an extend that he that he paid for driving lessons for one of children.

Ronald Mogorosi, a spokesperson from the deceased in-laws, thanked God for giving his niece, Keromamang, a humble husband. He described their grief on receiving the sad news.  Mogorosi said Ronald was shy when they met, but became good friends after some time.

Doctor Letebejana, a childhood friend praised Keromamang, the widow, loving and caring for her mother-in-law,  “this made the couple’s love stronger”, remarked Letebejana.  He encouraged daughters-in-law to care for their in-laws. Letebejana fondly mentioned his friend’s love for chewing gum although he did not have teeth to Kemomamang’s annoyance.

The neighbour, Joyce Mosinki, spoke highly of the Mrubatas.  She reminisced about how sharing and caring the deceased was, he always offered his lawnmower so that she trims her grass.   Mosinki said she kept an eye of their house when they went out.

When a representative from Water Affairs was called, all his former colleagues from that department all stood up, a symbol or respect and appreciation for the deceased. She described him as a hero who used to affectionately call female colleagues “meisiekinders”.   She indicated that they referred to the deceased as guru because he performed all the office tasks whenever there was a shortfall without considering his position. “He would answer phones when the Receptionist was not there. He shared what he had with needy families whenever they were on-site visits,” she alluded.

A colleague and Nehawu representative in Coghsta said, “Ronald was a highly educated and extraordinary person. He taught us humanity, values,  morals and encouraged us to love our wives.” He mentioned challenges that they went through at work but the deceased told them to perform beyond the scope of their duty. He taught union leaders to put workers first. He said Ronald’s motto was “strive to serve with pride.”

Puseletso Kantani, Class Leader from Wesley Commemoration, said that he did not attend church but contributed and participated in its needs.

In his speech, MEC for Coghsta, Bentley Vass said, “The department has lost a dedicated, selfless worker, who served us with dignity and integrity.  Ronald joined the department in 2010 as a Senior Manager, responsible for developing policies.  He executed the task meticulously , a firm believer in human rights and genuine ambassador of Thuma Mina.”

Ronald Mzimkhulu Mrubata is survived by his wife; brothers and sisters.

Moreri Shadrack Pos conducted the funeral Service.

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