Sol Plaatje Municipality is conducting a widespread prepaid electricity meter audit to ensure that all STS meter key revision numbers are changed to the required 2-part reset key before the November 2024 deadline for the Token Identifier (TID) roll-over programme. Consumers using STS meters can still purchase electricity.

On November 2024, the encryption key in all STS (“Standard Transfer Specification”) prepaid electricity meters used in Sol Plaatje Municipality will expire, and consumers using these meters will no longer be able to buy electricity.

The Municipality’s prepaid electricity meter auditors are working hard to ensure that prepaid consumer meters are working effectively and have not been interfered with.

Sol Plaatje Municipality has contracted ONTEC to undertake the prepaid electricity meter audit on the Municipality’s behalf. All auditors must have the following with them:

An identity card with a photograph and logo of the Municipality (valid from 01 March 2023 to 24 November 2024) and an appointment letter from the Municipality.

The meter auditors are strictly instructed to follow all prescribed COVID-19 health protocols and guidelines and sanitise before and after entering homes or business premises.

Sol Plaatje Municipality calls on the community of the Sol Plaatje Municipal area to assist the Municipality by granting the meter auditors access to their residences or businesses to inspect the effectiveness of their prepaid meters. Residents are advised to ensure that the auditors have the required identity card and the appointment letter from the Municipality before they enter their homes or businesses.

The meter auditors will visit residences and businesses between 08:00 and 18:00 on weekdays.

Where granting them access during these hours is impossible, appointments can be made to conduct the meter audit after hours.

For more information, please get in touch with E Jansen at 082 7805533 at Sol Plaatje Municipality and D Jacobs at 0861 220 244

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